「世界のニュースから」第32号 ~女王の言葉~

「世界のニュースから」第32号 ~女王の言葉~

~このコーナーでは言葉や文化の違いをテーマとして世界で起こっている興味深いニュース 記事をピックアップしていきます。~


今年9月8日、イギリスのエリザベス女王が96歳でご逝去されイギリスは深い悲しみに包まれています。毎年12月のクリスマス時期には”Christmas broadcast”として女王のスピーチが放送されますが、今年はもう女王のスピーチがないことを思うとイギリス国民はますます悲しみが込み上げてくるのではと推察いたします。そこで今回は70年もの長い間、精力的に活動されたエリザベス女王に敬意を表し、女王がクリスマスでどのような言葉を発せられてきたか、その時代とともに振り返ってみたいと思います。


“I speak now from my home and from my heart to you all; to men and women so cut off by the snows, the desert, or the sea, that only voices out of the air can reach them,”


HM King George V — The first ever Royal Christmas Message




“Each Christmas, at this time, my beloved father broadcast a message to his people in all parts of the world. Today I am doing this to you, who are now my people,”


”My father, and my grandfather before him, worked all their lives to unite our peoples ever more closely, and to maintain its ideals which were so near to their hearts. I shall strive to carry on their work.”

また、6月のCoronation Day(戴冠式)を控えていることに対して次のように述べられていますが、”to pray for me on that day”という言葉が印象的です。

“You will be keeping it as a holiday; but I want to ask you all, whatever your religion may be, to pray for me on that day—to pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve him and you, all the days of my life.”

スピーチの中で女王はそうした連邦諸国のことを“that immense union of nations.” と表現し、特にクリスマスに家族と一緒に過ごせない軍人たちに向けて次のような言葉を送っています。

“Wherever you are, either at home or away, in snow or in sunshine, I give you my affectionate greetings, with every good wish for Christmas and the New Year.”


“It is inevitable that I should seem a rather remote figure to many of you. A successor to the kings and queens of history; someone whose face may be familiar in newspapers and films but who never really touches your personal lives. But now at least for a few minutes, I welcome you to the peace of my own home.”

“I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice. But I can do something else. I can give you my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.”

“It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult.”


また、当時テレビという最先端の技術に女王自身が出演することに王室関係者からは”vulgar and intrusive”(下品で出たがり 筆者解釈)と反対する向きも少なからずあったようです。しかし女王は自身が国民にとって”more personal and direct”な存在であることを重んじテレビ出演を強く希望して実現したと言われています。


The Christmas Broadcast, 1957


“We know the reward is peace on earth, goodwill toward men, but we cannot win it without determination and concerted effort.”

この年のスピーチは女王が4番目のお子様(Prince Edward)を身籠もってい


“It is difficult to realise that it was less than 50 years ago that women in Britain were first given the vote, but parliament was first asked to grant this 100 years ago.

‘Yet, in spite of these disabilities, it has been women who have breathed gentleness and care into the harsh progress of mankind.”


“In the modern world the opportunities for women to give something of value to the human family are far greater than ever, because, through their own efforts, they are now beginning to play their full part in public life.”


“No matter what scientific progress we make, the message will count for nothing unless we can achieve real peace and encourage genuine goodwill between people and the nations of the world.”



“We may hold different points of view, but it is in times of stress and difficulty that we most need to remember that we have much more in common than there is dividing us.”

“Perhaps we make too much of what is wrong and too little of what is right. The trouble with gloom is that it feeds upon itself and depression causes more depression.”

“In times of doubt and anxiety the attitudes people show in their daily lives, in their homes, and in their work, are of supreme importance.”



“There are many serious and threatening problems in this country and in the world but they will never be solved until there is peace in our homes and love in our hearts.”



“The anonymous person who drew the pictures nearly five hundred years ago has included all the familiar elements of the Christmas story which we hear with such pleasure every year.”

王室コレクションの中でも女王がお気に入りの”fifteenth century Sobieski Hours”を指差しながら述べられました。その年の歴史的記念行事に触れながら歴史を振り返る内容ともなりました。


“You’ve all seen pictures of the Earth taken from space. Unlike all the other planets in the solar system, Earth shimmers green and blue in the sunlight and looks a very pleasant place to live.”



“Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view”



“Like many other families, we have lived through some difficult days this year.

The prayers, understanding, and sympathy given to us by so many of you, in good times and bad, have lent us great support and encouragement.

It has touched me deeply that much of this has come from those of you who have troubles of your own.”

女王自ら”annus horribilis”と表現した災難の年でした。”annus horribilis”は「ひどい年」を意味するラテン語由来の言葉です。子どもたちの相次ぐ離婚、ダイアナ妃とチャールズ皇太子に関する相次ぐスキャンダル報道、ウィンザー城の大火災という災難に見舞われたまさに「ひどい年」となりました。
この“sombre year”を”put it behind us”して1993年を迎えたいと締めくくっています。

この”annus horribilis”には、スピーチの内容がイギリス大衆紙The Sunに事前に漏れ公開されてしまうというハプニングがあり、訴訟となったというおまけも付いてきます。敗訴したThe Sun側が20万ポンド支払いましたが、女王は即座に寄付されたとのことです。


The Queen’s Christmas Message 1992


“If we resolve to be considerate and to help our neighbours; to make friends with people of different races and religions; and, as our Lord said, to look to our own faults before we criticise others, we will be keeping faith with those who landed in Normandy and fought so doggedly for their belief in freedom, peace and human decency.”



“We all felt the shock and sorrow of Diana’s death. Thousands upon thousands of you expressed your grief most poignantly in the wonderful flowers and messages left in tribute to her.”

“unbearably sad”とし女王の思いは”alone, bereaved or suffering”にある人々と共にあると述べています。

“This interweaving of joy and woe has been very much brought home to me and my family during the last months,”

悲しみの中にあって“happiest event”としてフィリップ殿下との金婚式を挙げました。

“Being united — that is, feeling a unity of purpose — is the glue that bonds together the members of a family, a country, a Commonwealth. Without it, the parts are only fragments of a whole; with it, we can be much more than the sum of those fragments.”

“Being united”であることを強調したスピーチとなりました。火災事故から5年経ち復旧されたウィンザー城から9分50秒の最も長いクリスマススピーチとなりました。


The Queen’s Christmas Message 1997


“With age does come experience and that can be a virtue if it is sensibly used. By being willing to put past differences behind us and move forward together, we honour the freedom and democracy once won for us at so great a cost.”

“No age group has a monopoly of wisdom, and indeed I think the young can sometimes be wiser than us. But the older I get, the more conscious I become of the difficulties young people have to face as they learn to live in the modern world.”

“Though we each lead different lives, the experience of growing older, and the joys and emotions which it brings, are familiar to us all.”



“Winston Churchill, my first prime minister, said that ‘the further backward you look, the further forward you see’,”

8月に99歳となった母親に触れ、”different were her early years compared with those of my grandchildren”と感慨深く述べられています。自身も73歳となったことについて、こうした年になると”left behind” や “familiar and the comforting being swept away”と感じる人も多いかもしれないが、心配せず”make sense of the future”と述べられています。


“Our modern world places such heavy demands on our time and attention that the need to remember our responsibilities to others is greater than ever.”

“Each day is a new beginning, I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God.”

妹のマーガレット王女と母君が相次いで逝去された悲しみとまた、自身はGolden Jubilee(在位50年)となる大きな節目として昔の思い出を懐かしみながらのスピーチとなりました。


“Everyone is our neighbour, no matter what race, creed or colour.”



“The birth of a baby brings great happiness — but then the business of growing up begins.”

クリスマスのキリスト降誕の行事活動をしている子供たちを”energy, vitality and ambition to learn and to travel”と述べ、また自身の次のような逸話も紹介しています。

“I am reminded of a lady of about my age who was asked by an earnest, little granddaughter the other day, ‘Granny, can you remember the Stone Age?”


“Whilst that may be going a bit far the older generation are able to give a sense of context as well as the wisdom of experience which can be invaluable.”



“When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future.”

“Over the years, those who have seemed to me to be the most happy, contented and fulfilled have always been the people who have lived the most outgoing and unselfish lives.”



“Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves–from our recklessness or our greed.”

“It is through this lens of history that we should view the conflicts of today, and so give us hope for tomorrow.

“Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives, but often a description of a community, organization or nation.”

“The importance of family has, of course, come home to Prince Philip and me personally this year with the marriages of two of our grandchildren, each in their own way a celebration of the God-given love that binds a family together.”



“This past year has been one of great celebration for many, the enthusiasm which greeted the Diamond Jubilee was of course especially memorable for me and my family,”

It was humbling that so many chose to mark the anniversary of a duty which passed to me 60 years ago.

That same spirit was also in evidence from the moment the Olympic flame arrived on these shores.”

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee(65周年)という祝福の年でもあり、またロンドンオリンピックが開催された大変おめでたい年となりました。

女王が”splendid summer of sport”と評したオリンピックについては、その開会式でのジェームズ・ボンド役のDaniel Craig氏との共演が大変話題にもなりました。

以下は女王がDaniel Craig氏と一緒にヘリコプターから飛び降りるシーンについての記事ですが、女王の”sense of humour”についても触れられています。

StoryCast ’21: ‘She has a very gentle sense of humour’ – The night the Queen ‘jumped out of a helicopter with James Bond’


Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message 2012


“We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock.”



“Everyone is our neighbor, no matter what race, creed or color.”

“Sometimes it seems that reconciliation stands little chance in the face of war and discord. But, as the Christmas truce a century ago reminds us, peace and goodwill have lasting power in the hearts of men and women.”



“Reflecting on these events makes me grateful for the blessings of home and family, and in particular for 70 years of marriage. I don’t know that anyone had invented the term ‘platinum’ for a 70th wedding anniversary when I was born. You weren’t expected to be around that long.”

“Even Prince Philip has decided it’s time to slow down a little – having, as he economically put it, ‘done his bit’.”

この年はマンチェスター・アリーナにおける自爆テロ事件、グレンフェルタワーの火災などの惨事が起こりました。女王は自爆テロ事件に対しては”powerful identities shone through… in the face of appalling attacks”と述べ、爆発での生存者を訪れた際は”The patients I met were an example to us all, showing extraordinary bravery and resilience,”と述べています。また72人の犠牲者を出したグレンフェルタワーの火災を”sheer awfulness”とし、救助活動に関わった消防隊員たちに対して”will not be home today because they are working to protect us”と労いました。

またこの年は初めてテレビで放送されてから60年の節目となることから”Six decades on, the presenter of that broadcaster has ‘evolved’ somewhat,” と時代の進化について触れられています。


The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2017


“Through the many changes I have seen over the years, faith, family and friendship have been not only a constant for me but a source of personal comfort and reassurance.”



Watch The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2018


“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

イギリスのEU離脱をめぐる論争で国中が揺れる中、直接触れはしませんが”quite bumpy” と表現してメディアにも注目されました。


The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2019


“Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer.”

“You are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.”

“for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand ・・・ even on the darkest nights there is hope in the new dawn”

COVID-19パンデミックにより地球規模で感染症危機に見舞われた年となりました。ナイチンゲール生誕から200年ということもあり、医療従事に携わる人々を労い、また、多くの人々がお互いに助け合うことを讃え、”selfless duty and ultimate sacrifice”が”source of enduring hope in difficult and unpredictable times”だとご自身の気持ちを述べられています。


The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2020


“Although it’s a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. This year, especially, I understand why.

But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work – from around the country, the Commonwealth and the world.”

“His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation – were all irrepressible. That mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him.”

“They teach us all a lesson – just as the Christmas story does – that in the birth of a child, there is a new dawn with endless potential.”



The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2021




